Tag Archives: Forestry

Videos: Forestry, Weather, ULDC text amendments, Loch Winn LTD rezoning, adoption of millage rates, USGS stream gauges, sprayfield expansion, watermain interconnection @ LCC Work 2024-10-14

Update 2024-10-17: Videos: Millage Public Hearing @ LCC 2024-10-15.

Only in the Work Session this morning, and if you weren’t there, only in these LAKE videos:

[Collage @ LCC Regular 14 October 2024]
Collage @ LCC Regular 14 October 2024

In regular items, County Planner JD Dillard recommended tabling the ULDC Text Amendments until stakeholders have more time to comment. He referred to the copy Commissioners had in their packet. We the taxpayers and voters do not have a copy.

He also recommended tabling 5.b. REZ-2024-15 Loch Laurel – Carroll Ulmer until the Planning Commission can review it. Which indicates that GLPC did not meet last month, even though there was no announcement that it had been cancelled.

Finance Director Stephanie Black said there would be a Millage Public Hearing at 5PM tomorrow, Tuesday, October 15, before the 5:30 PM Regular Session.

There was discussion in 7.a. Sprayfield Expansion Phase I. Continue reading

Videos: Gresham Event Venue passed 3:2, surprise Hospital Authority bond agreement @ LCC Regular 2024-03-12

Commissioners Joyce Evans and Demarcus Marshall voted against 5.a. REZ-2024-01 Gresham Event Venue, 8415 Old Valdosta Road. Commissioner Clay Griner moved to approve with four conditions, Commissioner Scottie Orenstein seconded, and they and Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker voted for. Most of the audience left, clearly not happy.

The Lowndes County Commission at its Regular Session approved everything else unanimously. At an hour and fourteen minutes, this was among its longest meetings.

[Collage @ LCC 12 March 2024]
Collage @ LCC 12 March 2024

Approvals included the last-minute addition, 6.f. Intergovernmental agreement with the Hospital Authority. The hospital wants to fund expansion, in the usual way by floating bonds guaranteed by the county.

One citizen wished to be heard. Continue reading

Videos: Gresham Event Venue and four other rezonings @ LCC Work 2024-03-11

Update 2024-03-16: Videos: Gresham Event Venue passed 3:2, surprise Hospital Authority bond agreement @ LCC Regular 2024-03-12.

The Lowndes County Commissioners talked a bit about REZ-2024-01 Gresham Event Venue in their Monday morning Work Session, as you can see in these LAKE videos.

Some of the other rezonings got some discussion. Nobody asked any questions about any of the For Consideration items.

They voted Tuesday evening; LAKE videos to come for that.

[Collage @ LCC 11 March 2024]
Collage @ LCC 11 March 2024

Commissioner Scottie Orenstein asked what the opposition was about. County Planner JD Dillard said “there have been a few emails”. There was a concern about traffic, but the fire marshall and county engineer felt there was adequate access to the property to support emergency vehicles. Noise has been the main concern heard.

Commissioner Mark Wisenbaker asked if the barn building existed. Answer: not yet. Might hold a larger gathering space. Could potentially house a band and keep the noise inside.

Commissioner Joyce Evans distinguished inside and outside noise. The County Planner said apparently they were trying to determine how the noise ordinance was enforced or measured. Probably it would be at the property line. The County Planner deferred to Code Enforcement or Legal, who did not comment. Chairman Bill Slaughter said there was a time the noise was supposed to go down and it was not supposed to be heard beyond the property line. He indicated they would have to set and measure noise standards. Also, before the cool-down hour

Commissioner Scottie Orenstein indicated he thought the main issue was not whether the venue needed, or would be successful, or what their finances were. He said he was trying to figure out whether the Planning Commission recommendation was based on issues such as ingress and egress and noise.

About REZ-2024-04 Clyattstone Road Subdivision, Chairman Bill Slaughter raised the issue of covenants.

Below are LAKE videos of each agenda item, with a few comments by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also Continue reading

Packet: Petition against Gresham Event Venue and letter supporting Southern Gardens @ LCC 2024-03-11

Update 2024-03-14: Videos: Gresham Event Venue and four other rezonings @ LCC Work 2024-03-11.

Here is the board packet for voting at 5:30 PM today by the Lowndes County Commission.

All were heard at the Lowndes County Commission Work Session yesterday morning.

[Collage @ LCC Packet 2024-03-11]
Collage @ LCC Packet 2024-03-11

As I predicted, the rezoning materials are similar to those from previous meetings.

But there is a fourteen-page Petition against Old Valdosta Road Wedding Venue, which is case REZ-2024-01 Gresham Event Venue.

Crown Real Estate Development has provided a Support Letter for Southern Gardens REZ-2024-03.

Ferrell Scruggs and Stephen Cooper have provided lot size requirements for REZ-2024-04 Clyattstone Rd Subdivision.

The quit claim and road abandonment items have maps showing where they are.

The materials for the Hall Road and Orr Road Extension items do not name Hall Road or Orr Road, so I don’t understand how they are related.

See also Continue reading

Agenda: five rezonings, four paving projects and a road abandonment @ LCC 2024-03-11

Update 2024-03-12: Packet: Petition against Gresham Event Venue and letter supporting Southern Gardens @ LCC 2024-03-11.

The two rezonings from last month are back, including the controversial Gresham Event Center. Plus three new rezonings from the Planning Commission. And five For Consideration items, three for road paving or wetlands credits for paving, plus a quit claim and a road abandonment.

All were heard at the Lowndes County Commission Work Session yesterday morning. They will be decided at the Regular Session this evening at 5:30 PM.

[Five rezonings @ LCC 2024-03-11-12]
Five rezonings @ LCC 2024-03-11-12

Here is the agenda.

I neglected to send in an open records request for the board packet, so we don’t have that yet.

But the board materials for the first two rezonings will be similar to those from the February 12, 2024, Lowndes County Commission Meetings.

And the board materials for the rest of the rezonings will be similar to those from the February 26 Planning Commission meeting.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2024, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

  1. Call to Order
  2. Invocation
  3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
  4. Minutes for Approval
    1. Work Session – February 26, 2024 & Regular Session – February 27, 2024
  5. Public Hearing
    1. REZ-2024-01 Gresham Event Venue, 8415 Old Valdosta Rd., E-A to PD-R, ~10.3 acres, Well & Septic

      Documents:REZ-2024-01 Gresham Event Venue, 8415 Old Valdosta Rd..pdf

    2. REZ-2024-02 Byrd Property, 3715 & 3725 Byrd Rd., E-A to R-1, ~7.5ac, Well & Septic

      Documents:REZ-2024-02 Byrd Property, 3715 and 3725 Byrd Rd.pdf

    3. REZ-2024-03 Southern Gardens, 4609 Bemiss Rd. 5ac, C-G to P-D, County Utilities

      Documents:REZ-2024-03 Southern Gardens, 4609 Bemiss Rd. 5ac, C-G to P-D, County Utilities -.pdf

    4. REZ-2024-04 Clyattstone Rd Subdivision, ~62ac, R-1 to R-10, County Utilities

      Documents:REZ-2024-04 Clyattstone Rd Subdivision.pdf

    5. REZ-2024-05 Dasher Property, 1776 Old Clyattville Rd, ~115ac, E-A & CON to M-2 & CON, County Utilities

      Documents:REZ-2024-05 Dasher Property, 1776 Old Clyattville Rd.pdf

  6. For Consideration
    1. Transportation Investment Act (TIA) Local Project Delivery Application – Hall Road

      Documents:Transportation Investment Act (TIA) Local Project Delivery Application – Hall Road.pdf

    2. Transportation Investment Act (TIA) Local Project Delivery Application – Orr Road Extension

      Documents:Transportation Investment Act (TIA) Local Project Delivery Application – Orr Road Extension.pdf

    3. Purchase of Wetland Credits for Coleman Road NW Paving Project

      Documents:Purchase of Wetland Credits for Coleman Road NW Paving Project.pdf

    4. Walker Avenue Quit-Claim

      Documents:Walker Avenue Quit-Claim.pdf

    5. Abandonment of a Portion of Race Track Road SE (CR #310)

      Documents:Abandonment of a Portion of Race Track Road SE.pdf

  7. Reports – County Manager
  8. Citizens Wishing to be Heard-Please State Your Name and Address
  9. Adjournment


Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!


[5. Rezonings]
5. Rezonings

REZ-2024-01 Gresham Event Venue, 8415 Old Valdosta Rd., E-A to PD-R, ~10.3 acres, Well & Septic

[BUDGET IMPACT: N/A to utilize the property as a club, lodge, meeting or event facility, primarily for weddings, family reunions, birthday parties, corporate events, community gatherings, etc., with the ability to accommodate overnight guests.]
BUDGET IMPACT: N/A to utilize the property as a club, lodge, meeting or event facility, primarily for weddings, family reunions, birthday parties, corporate events, community gatherings, etc., with the ability to accommodate overnight guests.

REZ-2024-02 Byrd Property, 3715 & 3725 Byrd Rd., E-A to R-1, ~7.5ac,

[BUDGET IMPACT: N/A to subdivide the property into conforming lots for individual residences.]
BUDGET IMPACT: N/A to subdivide the property into conforming lots for individual residences.

REZ-2024-03 Southern Gardens, 4609 Bemiss Rd. 5ac, C-G to P-D, County Utilities

[BUDGET IMPACT: N/A to develop a 60-unit apartment complex with amenities.]
BUDGET IMPACT: N/A to develop a 60-unit apartment complex with amenities.

REZ-2024-04 Clyattstone Rd Subdivision, ~62ac, R-1 to R-10, County Utilities

[BUDGET IMPACT: N/A to develop a 110-lot subdivision.]
BUDGET IMPACT: N/A to develop a 110-lot subdivision.

REZ-2024-05 Dasher Property, 1776 Old Clyattville Rd, ~115ac, E-A & CON to M-2& CON, County Utilities

[BUDGET IMPACT: N/A to M-2 and CON zoning.]
BUDGET IMPACT: N/A to M-2 and CON zoning.

Transportation Investment Act (TIA) Local Project Delivery Application –

[BUDGET IMPACT: N/A Hall Road is on the [TIA] Constrained List to start professional engineering in June 2024. The Local Project Delivery Application starts the process by allowing Lowndes County to manage the project and procurement process at the local government level.]
BUDGET IMPACT: N/A Hall Road is on the [TIA] Constrained List to start professional engineering in June 2024. The Local Project Delivery Application starts the process by allowing Lowndes County to manage the project and procurement process at the local government level.

Transportation Investment Act (TIA) Local Project Delivery Application – Orr Road Extension

[BUDGET IMPACT: N/A Session Orr Road is on the Transportation Investment Act (TIA) Constrained List to start professional engineering in June 2024.]
BUDGET IMPACT: N/A Session Orr Road is on the Transportation Investment Act (TIA) Constrained List to start professional engineering in June 2024.

Purchase of Wetland Credits for Coleman Road NW Paving Project

[BUDGET IMPACT: $39,600.00 total of 2.64 wetland credits at 15,000.00 dollars per credit.]
BUDGET IMPACT: $39,600.00 total of 2.64 wetland credits at 15,000.00 dollars per credit.

Walker Avenue Quit-Claim

[BUDGET IMPACT: N/A Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Center has requested that their portion, which is 0.115 acres, of the abandoned right of way be Quit-Claimed to them.]
BUDGET IMPACT: N/A Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Center has requested that their portion, which is 0.115 acres, of the abandoned right of way be Quit-Claimed to them.

Abandonment of a Portion of Race Track Road SE (CR #310)

[BUDGET IMPACT: N/A Langdale Vallotton Attorney at Law representing Southern Gateway, LLC, requests abandoning approximately 1720.50' Linear feet and begins at the intersection of Madison Highway, then west to the dead end.]
BUDGET IMPACT: N/A Langdale Vallotton Attorney at Law representing Southern Gateway, LLC, requests abandoning approximately 1720.50′ Linear feet and begins at the intersection of Madison Highway, then west to the dead end.


Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!

Videos: Quarterman Road rezoning unanimously denied; Mt. Zion Church Road rezoning unanimously approved @ LCC Regular 2023-09-12

Update 2023-09-16: by WWALS, Videos: Quarterman Road rezoning unanimously denied @ LCC 2023-09-12.

After five local residents spoke against and nobody for, the Lowndes County Commission unanimously denied the inappropriate 2.5-acre rezoning REZ-2023-04 on Quarterman Road.

[Collage @ LCC 12 September 2023]
Collage @ LCC 12 September 2023

Then after Roy Copeland spoke for the R-21 rezoning REZ-2023-10 on Mt. Zion Church Road and nobody spoke against, the Commissioners unanimously approved that one.

They unanimously approved almost everything else, including appointing Dr. Anthony Johnson to the Lowndes County Board of Health. The Family Medicine Dr. Johnson; not the eye doctor, although we only know that because LAKE filed an open records request for the board packet and published the results.

The exception was 7.b. Hamilton Green Acceptance of Water – Sewer Infrastructure. Continue reading

Lowndes County Commission denies Quarterman Road rezoning –VDT 2023-09-13

Update 2023-09-16: Videos: Quarterman Road rezoning unanimously denied; Mt. Zion Church Road rezoning unanimously approved @ LCC Regular 2023-09-12.

The VDT got the most important point right: the Lowndes County Commission unanimously denied the proposed rezoning REZ-2023-04 for 2.5-acre lots, smaller than the 5-acre minimum in on E-A Quarterman Road. And they spelled Tom Larson’s name right.

Thanks to all who helped get this result: everybody who signed the petition, those who circulated the petition, those who spoke in the Planning Commission and County Commission meetings, 7 of 8 of the Planning Commissioners who recommended denial, and the Lowndes County Commissioners for unanimously denying this inappropriate rezoning.

[SGRC map of petition signers against REZ-2023-04 Quarterman Road and VDT pictures of Lowndes County Commission meeting building]
SGRC map of petition signers against REZ-2023-04 Quarterman Road and VDT pictures of Lowndes County Commission meeting building

Kasmira Smith, Valdosta Daily Times, September 13, 2023, Lowndes commissioners deny highly opposed rezoning proposal Continue reading

The application for the Quarterman Road rezoning, and more petition signatures against it @ LCC 2023-09-12

Update 2023-09-13: Lowndes County Commission denies Quarterman Road rezoning –VDT 2023-09-13.

We had to ask three times, but we finally got the application for the rezoning on Quarterman Road, REZ-2023-04.

Here is that application, and also three more signatures on the petition against the rezoning, plus an updated table of signers and addresses about a hundred of them.

We ask the Lowndes County Commissioners to do the same thing they did about the Miller Bridge rezoning and about the Dollar General resoning on Skipper Bridge: deny this one as well, because it, like them, is in an Agricultre-Forestry-Conservation Character Area, and the vast majority of nearby landowners and residents do not want it.

[Collage, more packet materials for REZ-2023-04 @ LCC 2023-09-12]
Collage, more packet materials for REZ-2023-04 @ LCC 2023-09-12

The application doesn’t tell us much we did not already know, other than that the property owner’s agent is Rodney Tenery, Address: 2621 U.S. Highway 84 East, Valdosta, GA. Mapquest says that is an address of Harris Surveying & Engineering. Continue reading

Videos: Grant match for Dark Sky and resolution against mine too near Okefenokee Swamp @ Clinch County Commission 2023-09-11

Update 2023-09-12: WWALS blog, Clinch County Resolution against strip mine, for Okefenokee Swamp 2023-09-11.

The Clinch County Commission set aside $50,000 as cash match for a Dark Sky Observatory next to the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge (ONWR), and passed a resolution supporting the Okefenokee Swamp against the proposed titanium mine.

[Collage @ Clinch County Commission 2023-09-11]
Collage @ Clinch County Commission 2023-09-11

The Dark Sky project involves a building with a rollaway roof. Superior Pine Products has donated some land next to ONWR; exactly where is not clear, although it has to be north up GA 177 near the refuge entrance, yet across the Suwannee River on the west or right bank. It will be interesting to see how people will get in to use it.

The resolution includes:
“7. Request the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to move the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge from a tentative list to become a full UNESCO World Heritage Site, and support a bill by a bipartisan coalition of members of Congress in support of that move.”

As Chairman Henry Moylan remarked, the UNESCO World Heritage List is a big deal, since it goes through the U.N. and includes sites like the Pyramids and the Grand Canyon. Getting ONWR on it should attract more visitors. That list also includes Yellowstone, Yosemite, Great Smoky Mountains, and Everglades National Parks, so it’s a bit puzzling why ONWR is not already on there.

That was in addition to regular business, including renewing a solid waste removal contract and building an EMS building: they decided to look into building a steel building first, and then see about the insides.

Clinch County is not one of the ones declared a federal disaster area (Lowndes, Cook, and Glynn), but it is among those eligible for public assistance for debris removal. Which requires hiring both a debris removal company and a monitoring company. As the representative from DebrisTech explained, that’s because of Hurricane Katrina, after which there was much fraud. So his firm follows each debris removal truck as it picks up and delivers, photographing with GPS coordinates. Homerville City Manager Wallace Mincey said the city had been looking into debris removal, but would probably go in with the county on that.

The Commissioners did not do anything about a Fargo Water Well Easement, because nobody could identify any land owned by the county inside Fargo City Limits. Nobody from Fargo was at the meeting.

Here is the agenda: Continue reading

Videos: Seven minutes on REZ-2023-04 Quarterman Road @ LCC Work

Update 2023-09-12 The application for the Quarterman Road rezoning, and more petition signatures against it @ LCC 2023-09-12.

The proposed 2.5-acre rezoning on Quarterman Road is inappropriate, as the Planning Commission indicated by their 7:1 vote to recommend denial. The Lowndes County Commission spent almost seven minute on this item.

Tomorrow evening at 5:30 PM, they should deny this rezoning.

Meanwhile, county staff still can not find any record of the 1980s rezoning for the nearby half-acre-lot subdivision.

[Collage @ LCC 11 September 2023]
Collage @ LCC 11 September 2023

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also Continue reading