Tag Archives: quit claim

All Valdosta cases: 2 small and 1 big annexation and rezoning @ GLPC 2024-07-29

On Bemiss Road, the storage facility and the “event center called the “Enchanted Hall” that specializes in weddings, quincenaras, and family reunions, with an anticipated overall seating capacity of about 160 people,” seem unremarkable in next week’s agenda for the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC).

[Two small Valdosta items and an annexation and rezoning @ GLPC 2024-07-29]
Two small Valdosta items and an annexation and rezoning @ GLPC 2024-07-29

For the Southern Gateway annexation and rezoning south of the airport, you can see a pond in the Aerial Location Map. Continue reading

Videos: Trash collection, drainage, reports, candidate @ LCC 2022-03-22

A rare split vote on a bid, in 7.a. ENG 2021-02: Repairing 3 Box Culverts.

ADS wants to raise its trash colleciton rates but can’t do that without an ordinance change, which was not on the table this time.

Ashley Tye gave a weather report as part of the County Manager Reports.

A candidate for Superior Court Judge spoke in Citizens Wishing to Be Heard, which is an interesting change of policy; previously the Commission didn’t allow candidates for office to speak in CWTBH.

[Trash, Drainage, Reports, CWTBH]
Trash, Drainage, Reports, CWTBH

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the Continue reading

Packet: 0.277 acres for a county detention pond @ LCC 2022-03-21

Update 2022-03-22: Videos: Trash collection, drainage, reports, candidate @ LCC 2022-03-22.

The replacement for the built-on detention pond on Little Viking Road turns out to be 0.277 acres horse-shoed around it. That’s what was quit-claimed to Lowndes County Tuesday.

[Waste collection and water retention]
Waste collection and water retention


This is at the request of Rubber Tire, LLC, Franklin Bailey, Member/Manager.

[Signed, sealed,* and delivered]
Signed, sealed,* and delivered

The board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request, is on the LAKE website. See also the Continue reading

Videos: Delinquency, water, roads, and subdivisions @ LCC 2022-03-21

Update 2022-03-22: Packet: 0.277 acres for a county detention pond @ LCC 2022-03-21.

Update 2022-03-23: Three LAKE videos inadvertently omitted are added back to this blog post and the LAKE playlist: 6.d. Advanced Disposal Services Residential Solid Waste Franchise Renewal (9,500 customers), 6.e. Deep South Sanitation, LLC, Residential Solid Waste Franchise Renewal (6,200 customers), and 6.f. Little Viking Road Drainage Easement and Quit Claim Deed.

Yesterday morning they read out the items with almost no discussion, at the Lowndes County Commission Work Session, which lasted 13 minutes. They vote this evening at 5:30 PM.

The only item to get more than one question was 6.c. FY2022 Delinquency Prevention Grant.

The audio feed in the room is still not working, thus the second or so of no sound at the start. For the thousands of dollars they have spent on the system, it would be nice if the sound in the room worked.

[Lighting, TIA, Juvenile delinquency, box culverts]
Lighting, TIA, Juvenile delinquency, box culverts

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the agenda.

Road paving TIA agreements, ADS ands DSS waste renewawals, 3 water items, street lighting @ LCC 2022-03-21

Update 2022-03-22: Videos: Delinquency, water, roads, and subdivisions @ LCC 2022-03-21.

More road building TIA projects to promote more sprawl, a redot to let a developer off the hook for not doing drainage as required, a subdivision special tax lighting district, several water projects in already-developed areas, a grant to prevent juvenile delinquency, and the annual renewal of permits for both waste collection companies, all on the agenda for this morning’s Lowndes County Work Session, for voting Tuesday evening.

Funny how they never count the later cost of box culverts and water main extensions when they approve rezonings for subdivisions, but here some of those are later.

Cost What
$448,621.14Exit 22 Water Main Extension
$296,726.73ENG 2021-02: Repairing 3 Box Culverts
$0.00 Deep South Sanitation, LLC, Residential Solid Waste Franchise Renewal, March 31, 2023
$0.00Advanced Disposal Services Residential Solid Waste Franchise Renewal
$-41,500.00 FY2022 Delinquency Prevention Grant

That former detention pond site is actually parcel 0144 205A now, and it’s at 4115 Little Viking Road. They also don’t tell we the taxpayers and voters where the new detention area is.

HISTORY, FACTS AND ISSUES: Map 0144 Parcel 205 owned by Rubber Tire, LLC was originally designed for the entire lot to be one of the detention areas for Roswell Place Subdivision and has been the detention area since the subdivision was built. Rubber Tire, LLC had the detention area redesigned, approved, and constructed so the lot could become a buildable lot. Lowndes County will need to Quit Claim the existing detention area back to Rubber Tire, LLC and accept a drainage easement for the new detention area from Rubber Tire, LLC.

The agenda is below. The board packet will follow when LAKE gets it. My fault this time: I didn’t send the open records request. Although it is still mysterious why Lowndes County doesn’t put the board packet on its own website like many counties larger and smaller have been doing for years in Georgia and Florida. The rudimentary expanded agenda with one-sheet agenda items is on the LAKE website.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2022, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

Continue reading

Videos: Val Del rezoning, Appointments 3 Boards, Road abandonment, additions, and paving, fire dept. bids @ LCC 2020-03-09

Eighteen minutes for the whole meeting, mostly consisting of reading out the agenda sheet text for each item. The longest item was 7b. Accept Gaines Lane Quit-Claim Deeds, apparently because of a need for a title search and to prepare a plat, and who would pay for it, the county or other.

Here are the costs found in the agenda sheets for each item, most expensive first:

$399,414.00 Bid for a 3,000 Gallon Tanker for the Fire Department
$28,327.04 Request to Purchase New Firefighter Turnout Gear
$19,167 Solicitor-General’s Office 2020 VAWA Grant Award Activation
$4,836.00 Approval of Clyattstone Rd.-Simpson Ln. ROW Purchases

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a very few comments, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also: Continue reading

Packet: Val Del rezoning, Appointments 3 Boards, Road abandonment, additions, and paving, fire dept. bids @ LCC 2020-03-09

The board packet for the March 9 and 10 Work and Regular Sessions of the Lowndes County Commission is on the LAKE website, received 3:00 PM Tuesday, March 10, 2020, in response to a LAKE open records request. I did not have time to process it before the Regular Session 2.5 hours later.

Here are the costs found in the agenda sheets for each item, most expensive first:

$399,414.00 Bid for a 3,000 Gallon Tanker for the Fire Department d
$28,327.04 Request to Purchase New Firefighter Turnout Gear d
$19,167 Solicitor-General’s Office 2020 VAWA Grant Award Activation d
$4,836.00 Approval of Clyattstone Rd.-Simpson Ln. ROW Purchases d
$0 Abandonment of Unopened Right of Way – Hart Road d

[Zoning Location Map]
Zoning Location Map

Of course, all those dollar figures are immediate costs. They do not include future costs such as road paving related to new subdivisions.

See also the LAKE videos of the preceding Planning Commission meeting. That GLPC meeting’s item 3. REZ-2020-03 Wetherington Property, Val Del Road RA to PD, re-appears on this Lowndes County Commission agenda as 6.b. REZ-2020-03 Wetherington Property, Val Del Rd. R-A to P-D, County Water and Sewer, ~72.54 acres Districts 2 and 5.

And see also Continue reading

Val Del rezoning, Appointments 3 Boards, Road abandonment, additions, and paving, fire dept. bids @ LCC 2020-03-09

The Val Del Road rezoning for a subdivision on the Wetherington Property near Nelson Hill is on the agenda for this morning’s Lowndes County Commission Work Session, to be voted on Tuesday evening at the Regular Session.

Probably not coincidentally, Right of way purchase for Clyattstone Road is also on the agenda.

[Wetherington watershed]
Lowndes County Property Appraiser, Wetherington watershed

The Bids for Fire Department equipment previously tabled and discussed at length in the recent all-day planning sessions are back on the agenda.

Frank Morman doesn’t want to be reappointed to the Continue reading

Videos: Appointment Development Authority, Mutual Aid, Quit Claim White Water Road @ LCC 2020-01-28

The Lowndes County Commission approved all items in four and a quarter minutes, at its Regular Session a month ago, including reappointing Teri Lupo to the Valdosta-Lowndes Development Authority. There were no other nominees.

The longest item at less than a minute was 6.a. 2020 Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement. Commissioners had no questions about that or any other item.

Lowndes County Emergency Management Director Ashley Tye

Below are LAKE videos for each agenda item, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also Continue reading

Videos: Appointment Development Authority, Mutual Aid, Quit Claim White Water Road @ LCC 2020-01-27

One month ago, the entire Lowndes County Commission Regular Work Session took eight and a half minutes. Plus an Executive Session for Real Estate.

Lowndes County Attorney Walter G. Elliott

Below are LAKE videos for each agenda item, followed by a LAKE video playlist. See also the agenda. The board packet is on the LAKE website.