Tag Archives: rezoning

All Valdosta cases: 2 small and 1 big annexation and rezoning @ GLPC 2024-07-29

On Bemiss Road, the storage facility and the “event center called the “Enchanted Hall” that specializes in weddings, quincenaras, and family reunions, with an anticipated overall seating capacity of about 160 people,” seem unremarkable in next week’s agenda for the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC).

[Two small Valdosta items and an annexation and rezoning @ GLPC 2024-07-29]
Two small Valdosta items and an annexation and rezoning @ GLPC 2024-07-29

For the Southern Gateway annexation and rezoning south of the airport, you can see a pond in the Aerial Location Map. Continue reading

Videos: Valdosta subdivisions, Lowndes County subdivisions and manufacturing @ GLPC 2024-02-26

The Valdosta rezonings will be heard by the Valdosta Mayor and Council at their Work Session this evening at 5:30 PM, Tuesday, March 5, 2024, and decided at their Regular Session Thursday evening. At least this time the subdivisions are mostly next to other subdivisions.

The Planning Commissioners unanimously recommended approval of VA-2024-02 on Cherry Creek Road. Ditto VA-2024-03, the Mt Zion Church Road rezoning, and VA-2024-04, the corresponding annexation.

The Lowndes County rezonings will be decided by the Lowndes County Commission on Tuesday, March 12. The Planning Commissioners unanimously (I think) recommended approval of REZ-2024-03 on Bemiss Road. Ditto REZ-2024-04 on Clyattstone Road and REZ-2024-05 on Old Clyattville Road, with some conditions.

[Collage @ GLPC 26 February 2024]
Collage @ GLPC 26 February 2024

Below are Continue reading

Valdosta subdivisions, Lowndes County subdivisions and manufacturing @ GLPC 2024-02-26

Update 2024-03-05: Videos: Valdosta subdivisions, Lowndes County subdivisions and manufacturing @ GLPC 2024-02-26.

Subdivisions everywhere. At least this time mostly next to other subdivisions.

[Valdosta and Lowndes County cases @ GLPC 2024-02-26]
Valdosta and Lowndes County cases @ GLPC 2024-02-26

The GLPC board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request, is on the LAKE website.

Here is the agenda:

Greater Lowndes Planning Commission ~ Lowndes County ~ City of Valdosta ~ City of Dasher ~
~ City of Hahira ~ City of Lake Park ~ City of Remerton ~
Tuesday, February 20, 2024 5:30 P.M. Work Session
Monday, February 26, 2024 5:30 P.M. Regular Session
Lowndes County South Health District Administrative Office
325 West Savannah Avenue, Valdosta, Georgia

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Videos: Gresham Event Venue, Kinderlou-Clyattville Road RoW, Hurricane Idalia repairs @ LCC Work 2024-02-12

This morning the Lowndes County Commission spent nine and a half minutes on the contentious Gresham Event Venue on Old Valdosta Road. They did not discuss the substantial opposition letters from Richard A. Stalvey and Justin Coleman.

Two of the Commissioners were not present: Joyce Evans and Demarcus Marshall. They were with County Manager Paige Dukes in Washington DC.

Commissioner Scottie Orenstein (it’s in his district) asked if the Gresham Event Venue applicants understood they needed not to be a noise nuisance. The County Planner said the applicants had been made aware, and had discussed using tents which could accomodate up to 300 people. I don’t see how that would reduce noise.

Chairman Bill Slaughter asked if a condition could be added that music could only be inside the building. The County Planner said yes, but Code Enforcement would have to enforce it. There was more discussion of noise.

They vote 5:30 PM Tuesday (tomorrow).

[Collage @ LCC 12 February 2024]
Collage @ LCC 12 February 2024

They spent 3 minutes on the less contentious Byrd Road house lot project, and less on Continue reading

Videos: Gresham Event Venue on Old Valdosta Road, Byrd Road residences, Hahira three-parter, and Valdosta rezonings @ GLPC 2024-01-29

The Gresham Event Venue, after 21 minutes and two failed votes, got a 5:3 recommendation of denial by the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC) on January 29, 2024. The actual rezoning decision will be made at the February 13, 2024, Lowndes County Commission meeting.

The Richard Hill River and Nan Street Valdosta rezoning took 16 minutes. GLPC recommended all commercial.

Longest was the three-part Hahira case, rezone, PUD, and annex. GLPC recommended to approve, table, and approve, respectively, with all three motions by Franklin Bailey.

[Collage @ LCC 29 January 2024]
Collage @ LCC 29 January 2024

GLPC recommended approval of everything else.

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

See also the Continue reading

Packet: Gresham Event Venue, Kinderlou-Clyattville Road RoW, Hurricane Idalia repairs @ LCC 2024-02-12

Update 2024-02-12: Videos: Gresham Event Venue, Kinderlou-Clyattville Road RoW, Hurricane Idalia repairs @ LCC Work 2024-02-12.

The contentious Gresham Event Venue on Old Valdosta Road is on the Lowndes County Commission agenda for this week, after the Planning Commission last month recommended denial in a split vote. It drew substantial opposition letters from Richard A. Stalvey and Justin Coleman.

The County Commissioners meet Monday morning at 8:30 AM to discuss, and they vote 5:30 PM Tuesday.

Also the less contentious Byrd Road house lot project, the purchase of right of way for Kinderlou-Clyattville Road, more money from TIA for Briggston Road Paving and Drainage Improvements, acceptance of infrastructure and roads for Quarterman Estates Phase 4, Section 2 (no relation), and several Hurricane Idalia repair projects to be reimbursed 87% by FEMA.

[Collage, Packet, LCC 2024-02-12]
Collage, Packet, LCC 2024-02-12

Here is the agenda. The board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request, is on the LAKE website.

See also the LAKE videos of the previous month’s Planning Commission meeting.

WORK SESSION, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2024, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor

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Packet: Gresham Event Venue on Old Valdosta Road and Byrd Road individual residences @ GLPC 2024-01-29

Update 2024-02-11: Videos: Gresham Event Venue on Old Valdosta Road, Byrd Road residences, Hahira three-parter, and Valdosta rezonings @ GLPC 2024-01-29.

My bad: Lowndes County did send the packet materials for the two Lowndes County items Friday, plus the proposed GLPC calendar for 2024. They are on the LAKE website, for this evening’s Greater Lowndes Planning Commission meeting.

[Packet: Gresham Event Venue on Old Valdosta Road and Byrd Road individual residences @ GLPC 2024-01-29]
Packet: Gresham Event Venue on Old Valdosta Road and Byrd Road individual residences @ GLPC 2024-01-29

About the Byrd Road “individual residences&rdquop, staff express what seem to be reservations that the “unique shape of the property coupled with the requirements for individual well and septic systems naturally limits the overall development.” But staff recommend approval.

For the Gresham Event Venue on Old Valdosta Road, staff recommend several conditions, and they cite four other rural event venues. It’s worth quoting much of that agenda sheet: Continue reading

Packet: Hahira 26 acre development; Valdosta financial institution, animal boarding, and commercial speculation; Lowndes County event venue and subdivision @ GLPC 2024-01-29

Update 2024-01-29: Actually, Lowndes County did email the materials on Friday. Packet: Gresham Event Venue on Old Valdosta Road and Byrd Road individual residences @ GLPC 2024-01-29.

Lowndes County did not return the materials for the two Lowndes County items listed in the agenda for Monday’s Greater Lowndes Planning Commission (GLPC) meeting. I have asked them again, noting the 3 days allowed for a response to a Georgia Open Recorda Act (GORA) request have passed.

[Collage, GLPC Packet 2024-01-29]
Collage, GLPC Packet 2024-01-29

Valdosta and Hahira staff (led by Matt Martin) find all the requests for those two cities consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and recommends approval, except for one of the Hahira proposals.

All three Hahira proposals are by Cre8ive Development Partners LLC, for 26 acres on 5901 U.S. 41 North. They are 8. to rezone, 9. to approve a planned development, and 10. to annex the property into the City of Hahira.

It’s that middle item that staff recommends further steps for: Continue reading

Rezonings on Old Valdosta Road and Byrd Road @ GLPC 2024-01-29

In the Valdosta Daily Times, January 14, 2024 is a Public Notice for two Lowndes County rezoning proposals, both apparently in the middle of agricultural areas. REZ-2024-01 is for PD-R (Rural Planned Development) and REZ-2024-02 is for R-1 (Low Density Residential), both from E-A (Estate Agricultural).

The subject property for REZ-2024-01 runs all the way from Old Valdosta Road down across Salem Church Road and Webb Road to the Little River, so it’s not clear which 10 acres is proposed for rezoning.

Both cases will be before the Planning Commission on January 29, and the Lowndes County Commission on February 13, 2024. Continue reading

Survey, petition, letters, speak against conmmercial development on GA 122 at Skipper Bridge Road

Update 2023-01-21: Packet: Dollar General rezoning again, VLDA appointment, 2 subdivision infrastructure, special assessment rate, DA VOCA, server blades @ LCC 2023-01-23.

If you do not think “commercial and shopping options in Lowndes County” should include a development foothold in an agricultural and forestry area, here are ways you can oppose it: a survey, a petition, letters, call your Commissioner, and speak in the Public Hearing.

[Trash bags across GA 122 from the rezoning notice sign]
Trash bags across GA 122 from the rezoning notice sign

Somebody identified only as “Joe w/ WG Research” is sending text messages with a survey that includes this question:

4. Would you be in favor of a new and architecturally enhanced Dollar General in North Lowndes County located on GA Hwy 122?

No doubt they want to hear from everybody. So please answer the survey and get friends and relatives who oppose that rezoning to answer it.
https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7170646/Lowndes-County?x=2DCD7BDE9 Continue reading