Tag Archives: Budget Meeting

First of two public meetings on the budget @ LCC Budget 2014-05-27

Chairman Bill Slaughter started this morning’s budget session as “the first of our two public meetings on the budget before that budget will be adopted; basically a work session to go over the budget.” Does that mean it is a Public Hearing? If so, why do the county’s front page and calendar link to a blank page for a “Budget Session”, and there’s no Public Notice, even though there were Public Notices for the two road abandonments on the agenda for the Work Session and Regular Session? How can it be a Public Hearing if it’s not announced as such and the public doesn’t know about it? Gretchen says that near the end they clarified that this was not a Public Hearing, and there would be two actual Public Hearings before the budget was adopted, although when is still a mystery.

Here’s a video playlist, followed by links to the individual videos. There are no links to an agenda, because the county didn’t publish an agenda, nor a draft budget.

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Videos of Day 1 @ LCC-Budget 2014-03-10

It’s a good thing the county held these first-ever (as far as I know) comprehensive budget sessions. Here are videos of the first day. Most of the departments are asking for more money, due to increased population and increased demand for services during a period of economic downturn. Something needs to be done, and these sessions are one step in getting to doing something.

Here’s the agenda.

Sheriff Prine @ LCC-Budget 2014-03-10

Lowndes County Sheriff Prine talked about Administration, the Jail, the Commissary, and Enforcement at the first day of Budget Presentations to the Lowndes County Commission, 10 March 2014. Like most other county-funded departments, he asked for more personnel. The long squeeze of the economic downturn needs to be addressed somehow. These videos show how the Sheriff proposes to address them.

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4 out of 5 pictures remain @ LCC-Budget 2014-03-10

Somebody took down a Commissioner picture from the entry way to the Lowndes County Commission Chambers. Could it be this one?

He did show up briefly this afternoon to collect his stuff. Continue reading

Suddenly an agenda! @ LCC-Budget 2014-03-10

You can go to the rest of the budget meeting, which is tomorrow. Some time after this morning when I looked for it, today’s budget meeting magically appeared on the calendar and in Current Events on the Lowndes County front page. It shows most of the day tomorrow also as budget meetings. And at 5:30PM tomorrow (Tuesday) there’s still the County Commission Regular Session.

Plus in the middle of all that, the Airport Authority is having a Board Meeting at the Commission Chambers. Only a little more than a year ago, Continue reading

Budget meeting inside Lowndes County today @ LCC-Budget 2014-03-10


After this morning’s Work Session, there’s an all-day budget meeting. All county departments, including constitutional officers, are reporting.

From Gretchen on the scene:

So far we have heard Board of Elections and Public Defender. Next up the Sheriff.

This is apparently not a public meeting, and there was no public notice that I can find. Apparently it was mentioned at the February retreat. Some candidates for County Commission are there, in addition to current Commissioners and staff.

You may wonder as I do why this is not a public meeting.
