Tag Archives: waste

Videos: Airport, alcohol, taxes, road, jail @ LCC 2013-01-22

Commissioners discussed several items much more than last year’s Commission at this morning’s Work Session; they vote 5:30 PM tonight at their Regular Session. However, you’d think with an ankle monitoring program Commissioners praised so highly, they’d want the public to know the details. Nope, still none of the documents related to that nor any of the other items they were discussing were revealed to the tax-paying public. They don’t have a press release about that, nor about the Parade of Champions the Chairman talked about (twice) even though it wasn’t on the agenda. He was silent, however, on who the candidates for the Airport Authority are, and none of them were present.

That’s four reports that were not on the agenda: Parade of Champions, ankle monitoring, the county’s wellness program and the upcoming Bird Supper.

Here’s the agenda, with links to the videos and a few notes, followed by the video playlist.

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Airport, alcohol, taxes, road, jail @ LCC 2013-01-22

It's curious how the Lowndes County Commission can hold a public hearing for a single beer, wine, and liquor license, but not for doing away with the solid waste collection sites that affect 5,000 county residents. And what's this "Special Assessment Rate for 2013"? At today's early morning work session maybe they'll say, or perhaps at tonight's regular session, both on the same day because of yesterday's holiday.

Here's the agenda.


WORK SESSION, TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2013, 8:30 a.m.
327 N. Ashley Street – 2nd Floor
  1. Call to Order
  2. Invocation
  3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
  4. Minutes for Approval
    1. Work Session — January 7, 2013
    2. Regular Session — January 8, 2013
  5. Appointment — Valdosta/Lowndes County Airport Authority
  6. Public Hearing — Beer Wine & Liquor License — Rascal's — 4875 Hwy 41
  7. For Consideration
    1. Special Assessment Rate for 2013
    2. Abandonment of a portion of Old State Road (CR 16)
    3. Replacement of the Jail Fire Alarm System in Buildings 001 & 002
  8. Reports-County Manager
  9. Citizens Wishing to be Heard Please State Name And Address

The socialized costs and privatized profits of waste disposal

In her response to my post about Commissioners panic about trash at undisclosed location, Barbara Stratton seems unfamiliar (like most people) with economic externalities. Here’s a definition:

A negative externality occurs when an individual or firm making a decision does not have to pay the full cost of the decision. If a good has a negative externality, then the cost to society is greater than the cost consumer is paying for it. Since consumers make a decision based on where their marginal cost equals their marginal benefit, and since they don’t take into account the cost of the negative externality, negative externalities result in market inefficiencies unless proper action is taken.

When a negative externality exists in an unregulated market, producers don’t take responsibility for external costs that exist—these are passed on to society.

Which is socializing the losses. A famous ongoing case of this is BP making record corporate profits while dumping huge amounts of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, continuing to destroy shrimping, wetlands, wildlife, and local people’s health.

And that’s what the County Commission is doing: privatizing the profits of trash pickup and socializing the losses onto landowners (who have to pay for fences and gates), onto the general public (who have to pay for law enforcement to catch dumpers), and onto those who can’t afford to pay for private dump fees (who will get stuck with fines instead). That is indeed, as Barbara says, “redistribution of wealth”: redistribution from the rest of us to the private waste pickup companies.

The Commission is ducking its responsibility to find an equitable solution that everyone can afford. Funny how they can deal with special tax lighting districts for subdivisions but they claim they can’t come up with a way to publicly fund waste collection. Could it be because all the voting Commissioners are town-dwellers who don’t understand that rural people don’t have exactly the same needs or resources as city people?

Barbara advocates,

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Avoid crony capitalism or conflict of interest —Barbara Stratton

Received Monday on Commissioners panic about trash at undisclosed location. My response is in the next post. -jsq

There are many injustices of socialism and redistribution of wealth (or garbage) and I’m glad to see you recognize this in the shifting of illegal dumping costs to landowners. I am also glad to see that at least the county is talking about privatization and not public/private partnerships (so far). When Hahira almost succeeded in placing a regional waste transfer station on city owned property
REZ-2007-32 City of Hahira, 0028 027 6751 Union Road, 2 lots, R-21 to M-2, DRI
I was concerned that the county was complacent in this because the Lowndes Board of Commissioners November 2007 meeting minutes showed they agreed to rezone the property for the purpose of the transfer station against the recommendations of the county planner, Jason Davenport. That rezoning action replaced a DRI (Development of Regional Impact) request for waste transfer station rezoning so it was easy to assume the county and possibly the region had a mutual agenda for the transfer station. During a recent discussion on the dangers of regional government with Valdosta mayor, Larry Hanson, I asked if the transfer station was a regional interest. He assured me the City of Valdosta had no knowledge and no interest in that transfer station prior to articles in the Valdosta Daily Times. I’ve not had an opportunity to discuss the possibility of mutual agenda with the county and if it comes up again in the future I am assuming proper procedures will be followed which mandate public meetings and input into the planning before a third DRI is entered, not after.

I worked a contract for the IT of a Pensacola, FL software company that had waste management software contracts all over the US. It was my job to be

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Lowndes County isn’t the only one with a trash problem

Curbside pick up for $196 per year. Mandatory.

Jerry Askin wrote for WCTV 2 August 2011, Wakulla County Soon To Have Mandatory Curbside Trash Pickup? Folks in Wakulla County could soon be forced to pay mandatory fees for curbside trash pickup.

“It’s going to provide our residents a way to easily dispose of their garbage. And it will provide recycling opportunities for the citizens of Wakulla County,” says Wakulla County Commissioner Alan Brock.

“I personally don’t want to spend the expense of having

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Trash and biomass —Dr. Noll

This comment by Dr. Noll came in today on Got trash? Need disposal? Good luck. I ran across the picture at the same time. -jsq
There are some interesting parallels/similarities in regard to the discussion of trash and biomass.

There is no doubt mankind produces trash, as there is no doubt that we need energy. What we keep forgetting, though, is an honest reflection on how we can be less “waste-ful”, both in terms of energy and trash.

Thus, instead of reducing the amount of trash we create by Continue reading