Surprise bonds for the Development Authority and Lowndes County Schools, and a turn lane for Wiregrass Tech, plus a new Forestry Ranger about fire, in these LAKE videos of yesterday morning’s Lowndes County Commission Work Session.
The longest item was five minutes about funding the Skipper Bridge Withlacoochee River USGS Gauge in addition to the Folsom Bridge Little River Gauge, by EMA Director Ashley Tye. Valdosta apparently discovered that Skipper Bridge is not in the city limits, so Valdosta will no longer fund that gauge. But the former funding from the Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD) plus more from Lowndes County will cover it, if the Lowndes County Commissioners vote for it at 5:30 PM Tonight, after their discussion yesterday morning.
Georgia Forestry Ranger Randy Spell talked about the use of a vehicle in the Rural Fire Defense Cooperative Lease Agreement And MOU.
Second longest was the extremely vague resolution about accepting private roads into the county road system, which is basically a long series of criteria that could be considered, with no weighting, ranking, or anything to indicate how those criteria would be applied. So, as before, the Commissioners can pick or refuse any road they like or don’t like. They proceeded to discuss accepting roads inside several subdivisions “we’re growing!”, said the Chairman.
Third longest at two minutes was $150,000 for a turn lane and a deceleration lane for a new additional entrance to Wiregrass Tech for its new allied health building. That was one of three new agenda items County Manager Joe Pritchard asked to have added to the agenda for tonight. The other two were about bonds, for the Development Authority and for the Lowndes School system.
See also the agenda and further details in the Board Packet on the LAKE website.
1. Call to Order 4. Minutes for Approval
5a. FY2020 USGS Joint Funding Agreement
5b. 2020 Census Resolution
5c. Dedication Of Private Roads Resolution
5d. Accept Infrastructure For Coventry Villas Subdivision
5f. Accept Infrastructure For Knights Landing, Phase III
5g. Accept Infrastructure For Grove Pointe, Phase V
5h. Bear and Wine License – Naylor’s Pantry – 8777 Hwy. 135, Naylor
5i. Rural Fire Defense Cooperative Lease Agreement And MOU
6. Reports – Funding for road work for Wiregrass Tech
Video. New additional entrance to Wiregrass for new allied health building . $150K for turn lane and deceleration lane.
6. Reports – Bond obligation with VLCDA
6. Reports – Bond obligation for Lowndes School system
8. Meeting Adjournment
Here’s a LAKE video playlist:
Videos: River Gauges, Roads, Alcohol, and Fire
Work Session, Lowndes County Commission (LCC),
Video by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE),
Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, 2019-10-21.
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