Packet: Missing ULDC Text Amendment, new well, force main, and elevator with For Consideration and Bids from previous cancelled session @ LCC 2024-02-26

Update 2024-02-27: Videos: ULDC Text Amendment, new well, force main, and elevator with For Consideration and Bids from previous cancelled session @ LCC Work 2024-02-26.

In the board packet Lowndes County sent this morning in response to yesterday’s LAKE open records request, there is more information on the 6.e. Spring Creek Well Pilot Study and 7.d. Golden Oaks Subdivision Force Main, including bid sheets and a contract. There was nothing additional on the third new agenda item, 7.a. Bid to Upgrade the Main Elevator at the Human Resource Building.

The ULDC Text Amendment (TXT-2024-01) Update Presentation was not included in the board packet. I have filed an open records request to get it.

[Packet: new well, force main, and elevator @ LCC 2024-02-26]
Packet: new well, force main, and elevator @ LCC 2024-02-26

Since no map was included of the Golden Oaks Subdivision, I have added one from VALORGIS.

[Golden Oaks Drive in VALORGIS]
Golden Oaks Drive in VALORGIS
The Val Tech Road Lift Station is where the green sewer line comes up from the south and turns right onto Shiloh Road.
Blue lines are county water.

Lowndes County Commissioners discussed yesterday morning and will this evening at 5:30 PM vote on spending a million and a half dollars:

Cost What
$1,115,000.00Briggston Road Paving and Drainage Improvements, P.I.0016275 Supplemental Agreement No. 1
$274,765.00Kinderlou-Clyattville Road Right of Way Purchases
$108,936.30Golden Oaks Subdivision Force Main
$47,884.00Clyattville Tower Replacement
$9,613.50Bid to Repair Buildings at the 4-H Camp
$8,850.00Spring Creek Well Pilot Study
$2,584.92Bid to Repair the Governmental Building’s Roof

Although $1,115,000.00 of that is projected to come in from the state as part of a revised TIA agreement.

See also the agenda.

There are more images below.


Investigative reporting costs money, for open records requests, copying, web hosting, gasoline, and cameras, and with sufficient funds we can pay students to do further research. You can donate to LAKE today!


[For Consideration]
For Consideration

6.a. Clyattville Tower Replacement

[BUDGET IMPACT: $47,884.00; During Hurricane Idalia, the Clyattville tower was destroyed. This tower provided all connectivity for the Clyattville Fire Department, to include telephony, computer network connections, and video.]
BUDGET IMPACT: $47,884.00; During Hurricane Idalia, the Clyattville tower was destroyed. This tower provided all connectivity for the Clyattville Fire Department, to include telephony, computer network connections, and video.

6.b. Kinderlou-Clyattville Road Right of Way Purchases

[02272024Plus-0004 BUDGET IMPACT: $274,765.00; Staff has negotiated the purchase of the Right of Way (ROW) for Parcels 1-2, 6A-43 for the Kinderlou-Clyattville Road TSPLOST project.]
02272024Plus-0004 BUDGET IMPACT: $274,765.00; Staff has negotiated the purchase of the Right of Way (ROW) for Parcels 1-2, 6A-43 for the Kinderlou-Clyattville Road TSPLOST project.

6.c. Briggston Road Paving and Drainage Improvements, P.I.0016275 Supplemental Agreement No. 1

[BUDGET IMPACT: $-1,115,000.00; the TIA office has agreed to provide additional funds of $1,115,000.00 to cover the total cost of the project.]
BUDGET IMPACT: $-1,115,000.00; the TIA office has agreed to provide additional funds of $1,115,000.00 to cover the total cost of the project.

6.d. Acceptance of Infrastructure for Quarterman Estates Phase 4, Section 2

[BUDGET IMPACT: N/A; Quarterman Estates Subdivision Phase 4, Section 2 is located in the southern portion of Lowndes County, off of White Water Road and includes 33 lots.]
BUDGET IMPACT: N/A; Quarterman Estates Subdivision Phase 4, Section 2 is located in the southern portion of Lowndes County, off of White Water Road and includes 33 lots.

6.e. Spring Creek Well Pilot Study

[BUDGET IMPACT: $71,500.00 Spring Creek well has high organic levels in the water being pumped from the aquifer that creates disinfection byproducts when the water is chlorinated... causing elevated trihalomethanes and haloacidic acids... RFP for a pilot study ... feasibility of installing a water treatment plant ... Harn RO ... three-month pilot is $62,650.00, an extra month can be added if needed for an additional $8,850.00.]
BUDGET IMPACT: $71,500.00 Spring Creek well has high organic levels in the water being pumped from the aquifer that creates disinfection byproducts when the water is chlorinated… causing elevated trihalomethanes and haloacidic acids… RFP for a pilot study … feasibility of installing a water treatment plant … Harn RO … three-month pilot is $62,650.00, an extra month can be added if needed for an additional $8,850.00.

7.a. Bid to Upgrade the Main Elevator at the Human Resource Building

[BUDGET IMPACT: $91,980.00 The elevator is broken down ... built in the late 80's and parts are no longer available ... three bids that met specifications.]
BUDGET IMPACT: $91,980.00 The elevator is broken down … built in the late 80’s and parts are no longer available … three bids that met specifications.

7.b. Bid to Repair Buildings at the 4-H Camp

[BUDGET IMPACT: $9,613.50; Lowndes County solicited bids to repair damaged buildings at the 4-H Camp due to Hurricane Idalia. FEMA will be reimbursing Lowndes County for approximately 87% of the repairs.]
BUDGET IMPACT: $9,613.50; Lowndes County solicited bids to repair damaged buildings at the 4-H Camp due to Hurricane Idalia. FEMA will be reimbursing Lowndes County for approximately 87% of the repairs.

7.c. Bid to Repair the Roof of the Governmental Building

[BUDGET IMPACT: $2,584.92; Lowndes County solicited bids to repair damaged portions of the Lowndes County Governmental Building, due to Hurricane Idalia. FEMA will be reimbursing Lowndes County for approximately 87% of the repairs.]
BUDGET IMPACT: $2,584.92; Lowndes County solicited bids to repair damaged portions of the Lowndes County Governmental Building, due to Hurricane Idalia. FEMA will be reimbursing Lowndes County for approximately 87% of the repairs.

7.d. Golden Oaks Subdivision Force Main

[BUDGET IMPACT: $100,572.45 Golden Oaks Subdivision ... adjacent to Val-Tech lift station on Shiloh Road. This neighborhood is over thirty years old, and the septic systems are beginning to fail... several calls from residents over the last year desiring to connect to our system. Staff ... determined that installing an E/One Force Main is a viable option... bids were received from James Warren & Associates for $100,572.45, and RPI, Inc. for $108,936.30.]
BUDGET IMPACT: $100,572.45 Golden Oaks Subdivision … adjacent to Val-Tech lift station on Shiloh Road. This neighborhood is over thirty years old, and the septic systems are beginning to fail… several calls from residents over the last year desiring to connect to our system. Staff … determined that installing an E/One Force Main is a viable option… bids were received from James Warren & Associates for $100,572.45, and RPI, Inc. for $108,936.30.


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One thought on “Packet: Missing ULDC Text Amendment, new well, force main, and elevator with For Consideration and Bids from previous cancelled session @ LCC 2024-02-26

  1. Pingback: Agenda: ULDC Text Amendment, new well, force main, and elevator plus For Consideration and Bids from previous cancelled session @ LCC 2024-02-26 | On the LAKE front

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