It’s great that the Lowndes County Comissioner for District 2
is reporting about a highway in his district,
but why isn’t the county reporting it on its own facebook page,
website, twitter account, etc.?
While the county doesn’t have facebook account (why not?) it does
have those other things and there’s nothing on them about
this news:
Scottie Orenstein
12 hrs · Valdosta, GA ·UPDATE: I received word from the County Engineer that, due to the congestion this morning on Hwy 41N, The Scruggs company will no longer be working during the day. They will begin working late in the evenings and Into the night. This will help with the traffic situation for area residents. Work is expected to be complete within two weeks.
On the county’s website, the latest News Flash is from last week, 7 August 2015: SHILOH ROAD SINKHOLE — NEW DETOUR- UPDATE 2:00 P.M..
8/7/15 — Lowndes County Engineering continues to evaluate conditions on Shiloh Road related to a large sinkhole. County staff along with geologists, engineers and soil scientists are in the process of studying any potential impacts the sinkhole that developed on Tuesday may have on surrounding areas. The Engineering Department has established a permanent detour for the affected portion of Shiloh Road. Southbound traffic should use Morven Road to Hwy 122 to Union Road to Franks Creek Road. Northbound traffic should use Franks Creek Road to Union Road to Hwy 122 to Morven Road. As a reminder, the edges of the sinkhole are very unstable and continue to slide. Everyone is encouraged to remain clear of this area. Also, please note that the sinkhole is located on private property and citizens are encouraged to respect rights of the property owner and remain off of private property. As always, motorist should exercise extreme caution while traveling in this area. Due to vandalism, temporary barricades have been replaced with concrete. Citizens are encouraged to remember that damage to county property is against the law and in this case could place others in danger. Local law enforcement will continue to monitor activity in the area.
At least the county finally said what the detour should be, not just “the usual detour”.
Also nothing about US41N on the county’s @Lowndes411 twitter account, where the latest tweet is from 8 Aug 2015,
Shiloh Road remains closed as sinkhole evaluation is ongoing. A new detour has been put in place. Visit for more.
12:35 AM – 8 Aug 2015
Maybe this shouldn’t be surprising from the same county government that passes an ordinance without revealing the old or new versions until LAKE filed an open record request, and even then only less than an hour before they voted. The same county government whose County Clerk took more than four years to provide copies of minutes she signed.
Also the same County Clerk who after more than four years still can’t produce a list of the ordinances the county has enacted.
Does this seem right to you?
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