90 percent approval? Larry Rodgers doubts that @ LCC 2013-12-09

WCTV isn’t just publishing Spectra press releases or sales pitches, unlike the Lowndes County Commission.

Winnie Anne Wright for WCTV today, Sabal Trail Addresses Lowndes County Commission,

“Gas needed to come from one point and end up at another. We looked for those existing corridors that are already in place, to be able to run adjacent and parallel to those so we are lessening the impact on stake holders and the environment and this path that we are currently on, is over 80% adjacent or parallel to those types of things”, says Andrea Grover, Director of Stakeholder Outreach for Sabal Trail.

Well, no it doesn’t need to. Some fat cats in Houston and Juno Beach, Florida want to pump methane through here for their profit and our hazard, but that’s not the same as “needed to”.

But not everyone believes Sabal Trail has Lowndes County’s best interest at heart.

The proposed pipeline would run through Larry Rodgers’ property. He says he gave Sabal Trail access to survey his land, but had to take back his invitation after surveyors supposedly trashed his property.

Rodgers says trash on his property is the least of the wrongdoings committed by Sabal Trail.

“I’m not sure that they’re providing all the information to all the property holders. They say they have 90 percent approval, which I don’t really believe they do.”

Residents will have an opportunity to voice their concerns to the Lowndes County Commission during “Citizens Wishing to be Heard” at the Commission meeting on December 10 at 5:30 PM. The meeting will take place on the second floor of the Lowndes County Administration Building.

Sabal Trail will host an informational meeting at Clyatville Elementary School on December 16 at 5:30.

For more information about Sabal Trail and the project, visit SabalTrail.com and SpectraBusters.org.

The agenda for Tuesday’s Lowndes County Commission meeting, and the Citizens Wishing to Be Heard Sign-in Sheet, also available at the door of the Commission Chambers; must be given to the County Clerk before the meeting starts.


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