Executive Session for Real Estate @ VLCIA 2014-05-27

The Industrial Authority is having a Special Called Meeting Tuesday at 4:45 PM, the agenda for which goes straight into Executive Session for no stated reason. Is that even legal, as I’ve asked before about a VLCIA executive session?

Also, why is G. Norman Bennett still listed as a board member and Vice Chairman, even though according to the VDT he resigned from VLCIA 13 March 2014? I asked him about that in Hahira a month ago today and he said he’d talk to VLCIA. Somebody didn’t follow through.

Here’s the agenda, which says they’re having an invocation for the purpose of discussing real estate and gives no reason for the Executive Session. Also from the Georgia Open Meetings Act of 2012, 50-14-3(b)(1):

No vote in executive session to acquire, dispose of, or lease real estate, or to settle litigation, claims, or administrative proceedings, shall be binding on an agency until a subsequent vote is taken in an open meeting where the identity of the property and the terms of the acquisition, disposal, or lease are disclosed before the vote or where the parties and principal settlement terms are disclosed before the vote;

So just in case this Executive Session is for discussion of real estate, we can look forward to hearing what that is in an open session soon.

Valdosta-Lowndes County Industrial Authority
Agenda/Special Called Meeting
Tuesday, May 27, 2014 4:45 p.m.
Industrial Authority Conference Room
2110 N. Patterson Street

Call to Order Special Called Meeting


  • For the purpose of discussing real estate

Adjourn Special Called Meeting into Executive Session

Adjourn Executive Session into Special Called Meeting

Adjourn Special Called Meeting

Mission of the Valdosta Lowndes County Industrial Authority is to lead economic development in our community by supporting existing industries recruiting industries through capitalizing on opportunities for collaboration.
