Condos and Agricultural Zoning: latest redraft of ULDC update

Jason Davenport, County Planner, has produced another redraft of the proposed changes to the Lowndes County, Georgia Unified Land Devleopment Code (ULDC). Here is his cover letter and here is the PDF of the proposed changes. Here’s the first table again:

During yesterday’s 3PM work session, Commissioner Lee asked the County Planner why condominiums seemed to be struck through entirely now. The answer was that the Technical Review Committee (TRC) had thought that the county had to add material to the ULDC to deal with the Georgia condominium law, but that it turns out for most zoning classifications there is no need, since all the usual zoning requirements still apply, and condominiums are only a different form of ownership. I asked Jason much the same question before the meeting, and if I understood him correctly, he said that since for example the ULDC prohibits multi-family subdivisions below 5 acres in an EA zone, that condos wouldn’t change that.

The final vote will be held today at the regular meeting at 5:30 PM; here’s the agenda.
