ULDC Update Redraft for Monday’s Planning Commission

The Technical Review Committee (TRC) has reviewed the ULDC update and has produced a final draft for the Planning Commission, which meets Monday 25 October 2010 at 5:30 PM, still at the old county commission chambers at 325 W. Savannah Avenue.

More here about condominiums.


From: “Jason Davenport” <jdavenport@lowndescounty.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 13:20:29 -0400

Good afternoon Planning Commissioners.  The TRC approved the attached draft this morning with 5 conditions (See Below).  One of those conditions has been incorporated into the draft already.  The other 4 were for consideration and investigation and I plan on giving additional time to them Monday.  The attached draft represents what changes have been proposed since the draft was printed earlier this week.  To simplify and expedite review all changes to the draft that you already received have been tracked and should appear in blue.  At this point I have heard back from the Industrial Authority, Moody Air Force Base, and 5 citizens/parties/organizations that had questions about the amendments.  Of those please see the below e-mail from John and Gretchen Quarterman and expect physical copies of it as well as the attached draft at your meeting Monday night.  Thank you for your time and effort. 

TRC Conditions of Approval

  1. Change the description of R-21 zoning to reflect county and private water and sewer systems instead of community water and sewer systems.
    1. Current Response- This has already been incorporated into the attached draft.
  2. Consider changing gasoline stations to an alternative description to account for future alternative fueling stations.
    1. Current Response- Under consideration
  3. Investigate and clarify how to classify the use of septic tank related waste disposal.
    1. Current Response- Under consideration
  4. Consider combining similar light industrial uses into one category e.g. warehousing, terminals, and wholesale establishments into a light industrial classification
    1. Current Response- Under consideration
  5. Investigate the proper classification of miniature golf and sports fields in relationship to outdoor recreation vs. amusement categories.
    1. Current Response- Under consideration

Jason Davenport, County Planner 
Lowndes County
–  Board of Commissioners
