Videos: 2 Lowndes County Cases, 4 Valdosta City Cases @ GLPC 2023-09-25

All the items got unanimous recommendations of approval from the Greater Lowndes Planning Commission, except 5. CU-2023-03 2525 N Ashley Street CUP for an Event Center in C-H zoning got a recommendation of approval with no conditions by a 6:2 vote. This was at the Monday, September 25, 2023, meeting.

[Collage @ LCC 25 September 2023]
Collage @ LCC 25 September 2023

Below are links to each LAKE video of each agenda item, with a few notes by Gretchen Quarterman, followed by a LAKE video playlist.

Also below is what happened in each case according to the Minutes.

See also the agenda and board packet, received in response to a LAKE open records request.

  • 1. Call to Order, Pledge and Invocation
    1. Call to Order, Pledge and Invocation


  • 1. Call to Order (part 2)
    1. Call to Order (part 2)


  • 2. Approval of the Meeting Minutes: August 28, 2023
    2. Approval of the Meeting Minutes: August 28, 2023


  • 3. REZ-2023-11 2426 Smith St., 0087 016, ~4.0 acres, C-C to R-1
    3. REZ-2023-11  2426 Smith St., 0087 016, ~4.0 acres, C-C to R-1


    According to the Minutes:

    Chairman Hightower asked if there were any questions for staff from the commissioners. There being none, Chairman Hightower opened the Public Hearing portion of the case.

    No one spoke in favor of, nor in opposition to the request.

    Chairman Hightower called for a motion. Commissioner Rountree made a motion to recommend approval of the request as presented. Commissioner Webb second. All voted in favor, no one opposed (8-0). Motion carried.

  • 4. REZ-2023-12 GT’s Wrecker Service, Old Clyattville Rd., ~3.2 C-H to M-2
    4. REZ-2023-12 GT’s Wrecker Service, Old Clyattville Rd., ~3.2  C-H to M-2


    According to the Minutes:

    Chairman Hightower asked if there were any questions for staff from the commissioners. Commissioner Willis asked for clarification that the recommendation by staff was for M-1 zoning with conditions as opposed to M-2 zoning. Mr. Dillard affirmed. Commissioner Rountree asked about the Ingress/Egress recommendation. Mr. Dillard stated this was a recommendation from the County Engineer. Commissioner Steve Miller asked if the applicant was agreeable to the recommendations. Mr. Dillard stated the applicant was present to speak. Chairman Hightower asked if there were any additional questions for staff from the commissioners. There being none, Chairman Hightower opened the Public Hearing portion of the case.

    Speaking in favor of the request:

    • Thomas & Stephanie Sutton, Applicant – 3673 Johnson Rd. SE

    Mr. Sutton explained that the business should not be considered a salvage yard because no vehicle parts are sold.

    Commissioner Rountree asked if the applicant was agreeable to the conditions. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sutton stated they just want assurance they can run the business if it is zoned M-1 with the conditions. Mr. Dillard re-stated that was the compromise. Mr. Dillard also clarified that the fencing condition applies only to the vehicles would be stored, not to where the office would be located.

    Commissioner Willis asked the applicants if they would still transport wrecked vehicles in addition to primarily towing to off site locations to which the applicant answered in the affirmative. Mr. Willis voiced concern about oil and other hazardous materials leaks.

    No one spoke against the request.

    Chairman Hightower called for a motion. Motion by Commissioner Wildes to recommend approval of the request as presented with six (6) conditions. Commissioner Willis second. All voted in favor, no one opposed (8-0). Motion carried.

  • 5. CU-2023-03 2525 N Ashley Street CUP for an Event Center in C-H zoning
    5. CU-2023-03 2525 N Ashley Street  CUP for an Event Center in C-H zoning


    According to the Minutes:

    Staff finds the request inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Conditional Use Review Criteria, and recommends denial to the City Council.

    According to the Minutes:

    Commissioner James Miller asked if the parking lot is full during operating hours. Mr. Martin stated that it is during meal times.

    Chairman Hightower asked if there were any additional questions for staff from the commissioners. There being none, Chairman Hightower opened the Public Hearing portion of the case.

    Speaking in favor of the request:

    • Kristie Jenkins, Applicant – 895 Clayton Dr.

    Ms. Jenkins addressed the parking issue stating the adjacent property is available to rent for parking and that the parking lot behind the subject property is available and accessible. 69 total parking spaces are available. She also stated that parties are held during non-peak business hours of the other businesses and that the previous establishments at that location were more prone to longer hours.

    Commissioner Bythwood asked if there has been any documentation provided by the adjacent property owner with regard to parking availability. Additionally, a question arose regarding the bar shown on the site plan. The applicant explained that it would be used solely for a buffet line. No alcohol will be served.

    No one spoke against the request.

    According to the Minutes: Commissioner Willis stated his concern about having to solicit for additional parking. Chairman Hightower asked how the applicant feels about the existing parking. Mr. Martin suggested more research is necessary and that there may be need for a possible Variance. Additional concern about how well lit the rear parking lot is. Commissioner Rountree verified that most events will take place in the evenings and on weekends.

    There being no further discussion, Chairman Hightower called for a motion. Motion by Commissioner Rountree to recommend approval of the request with no conditions. Commissioner Bythwood second. Six (6) voted in favor, two (2) opposed (6-2). Motion carried.

  • 6. VA-2023-13 713 N St Augustine Road 2.64 acres from R-10 to C-H
    6. VA-2023-13 713 N St Augustine Road  2.64 acres from R-10 to C-H


    According to the Minutes:

    Staff finds the request consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Standards for the Exercise of Zoning Power (SFEZP) and recommends approval to the City Council.

    Chairman Hightower asked if there were any questions for staff from the commissioners. There being none, Chairman Hightower opened the Public Hearing portion of the case.

    Speaking in favor of the request:

    • Deland Guthrie, Applicant – 3953 Johnston Rd.

    Mr. Guthrie stated church leadership wants to make the property zoned consistent with that of the surrounding properties.

    No one spoke against the request.

    Chairman Hightower called for a motion. Motion by Commissioner Wildes to recommend approval of the request as presented. Commissioner Webb second. All voted in favor, no one opposed (8-0). Motion carried.

  • 7. VA-2023-14 1869 Madison Highway from C-H (county) to C-H (city
    7. VA-2023-14 1869 Madison Highway from C-H (county) to C-H (city


    Gretchen noted:

    7. VA-2023-14 Edward Jennings LLC from C-H(county) to C-H(city) 1869 Madison Highway Rezone 3.96 acres

    8. VA-2023-15 Edward Jennings LLC Annex 3.96 acres into the City of Valdosta

    Cases were heard together but voted on separately

    According to the Minutes:

    Staff finds both requests consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Standards for the Exercise of Zoning Power (SFEZP) and recommends approval to the City Council.

    Commissioner Steve Miller asked if a decel lane would be required. Mr. Martin stated it is possible and that it will be determined during the formal plan review process.

    Chairman Hightower asked if there were any further questions for staff from the commissioners.

    There being none, Chairman Hightower opened the Public Hearing portion of the case.

    Speaking in favor of the request:

    • Kevin Hollis, representing the applicant – 1525 BCT Gin Rd., Quitman, GA

    Mr. Hollis stated he has met with GDOT and no decel lane will be required. If the County were to improve adjacent roads, they might pursue access to other roads.

    Chairman Hightower called for a motion. Motion by Commissioner Willis to recommend approval of the request as presented. Commissioner Wildes second. All voted in favor, no one opposed (8-0). Motion carried.

  • 8. VA-2023-15 Edward Jennings LLC Annex 3.96 acres into City of Valdosta
    8. VA-2023-15 Edward Jennings LLC Annex 3.96 acres into City of Valdosta


    According to the Minutes:

    As stated in conjunction with the previous case (VA-2023-14), the applicant is requesting to annex 3.96 acres into the City of Valdosta.

    No one spoke against the requests.

    Chairman Hightower called for a motion. Motion by Commissioner Rountree to recommend approval of the request as presented. Commissioner Steve Miller second. All voted in favor, no one opposed (8-0). Motion carried.

  • Other Business / Meeting Adjournment
    Other Business / Meeting Adjournment


Here’s a LAKE video playlist:

Videos: 2 Lowndes County Cases, 4 Valdosta City Cases @ GLPC
Greater Lowndes Planning Commission, Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, Monday, September 25, 2023.
Videos by Gretchen Quarterman for Lowndes Area Knowledge Exchange (LAKE).


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