Lowndes County web site not responding

Safari First noticed about 1PM, still down at 3:30PM, for http://www.lowndescounty.com/

Safari can’t open the page
Safari can’t open the page “http://www.lowndescounty.com/” because the server unexpectedly dropped the connection. This sometimes occurs when the server is busy. Wait for a few minutes, and then try again.

Firefox Similar results with Firefox and Google-Chrome.

I even tried it from somewhere far away geographically and on another ISP, and got this with lynx:

Chrome Alert!: Unexpected network read error; connection aborted.
Can’t Access `http://www.lowndescounty.com/’
Alert!: Unable to access document.

So it looks like the Lowndes County Commission’s website is down.

Have you seen their facebook page? Here’s the entire contents of it:

Lowndes County Board of Commissioners

Government Organization
Address 325 West St
Valdosta, GA 31601
Phone (229) 671-2400
